Hans Wackernagel
Geostatistics group of
Centre de Géosciences
at MINES Paris PSL (École des Mines de Paris, founded 1783)
part of PSL University.
Directeur de Recherche (1983--2020)
Membre de l'Ecole doctorale 621: ISMME
Responsable (2010-2020) de l'Option Géostatistique et Probabilités Appliquées.
SUJETS de stages 3A: 2019 (PDF); 2018 (PDF); 2017 (PDF); 2016 (PDF); 2015 (PDF);
2014 (PDF);
2014X (PDF);
2013 (PDF).
Film du voyage en Guyane en 2016. Diaporama.
Partner of the the European HORIZON2020 INTAROS project (2016-2021):
Integrated Arctic Observation System
Member of advisory board for the European HORIZON2020 RTM project (2015-2019):
Real-Time Mining - Multinational Project
Partner of the Scandinavian NordForsk NCoE project (2014-2018):
Ensemble-based Methods for Environmental Monitoring and Prediction
Partner of the Norwegian PETROMAKS project (2012-2015):
Reservoir data assimilation for realistic geology
Partner of the Norwegian eVITA EnKF project (2007-2011):
Forecasting non-linear systems using the ensemble Kalman filter and related methods
Partenaire du projet ANR SAMPER (2008-2011):
Système d'acquisition et de modélisation pour la prédiction de l'exposition radioélectrique
Démonstrateur (Grenoble, 22 janvier au 19 mai 2011): http://samper.ensmp.fr
Partner of the Franco-Norwegian project PRECOC (2006-2008):
Ocean Forecasting in the North Sea and the Gulf of Lion:
towards joint operational services